Thursday, December 9, 2010

District 113 Renovations

There are some pre-conceived notions about district 113, some of which are good and others should be changed.  The district has a great academic reputation because of the high test scores that come out of the schools.  There are high test scores because the teachers in district 113 and the feeder school are very good.  Deerfield High also has a not so great reputation for having strong facilities.  Within the school there are a lot of essential things that the school needs to change.  For example the school was built 50 years ago.  Most of the school has heating, air conditioning, and windows from 50 years ago.  Everyone knows how much technology has changed over that time.  The renovation plans are a great idea and would truly benefit everyone in the community. 
The renovation plans would be a great addition to the school.  If the school renovates the heating, air, and windows in the old part of the school, it would save money in the long run.  Technology in that department has changed dramatically over the last 50 years.  This would make the heating and air bill go down because the system would be a lot more efficient.  Also, by having better windows it would keep those classrooms at a more neutral temperature.  Renovating the athletic facilities and adding a field house would be great because it would benefit everyone in the school.  It would increase everybody's productivity because the fields would be able to withstand any amount of play.  The games would always have the same field conditions too because the artificial turf never changes.  If the school was able to build a field house that would be beneficial to everyone in the community.  Not only would the students at the school be able to use it, it could be open to the public on the weekends.  People would be able to use the indoor track in the winter and also workout there at little to no cost.  Having great athletic facilities not only benefits athletes during their season, or students in gym class.  It will benefit everyone in the community.
Having all of these new great amenities at the school would make the tax payers take a little hit.  Even though everybody's taxes would barely increase, many don't want to pay at all.  Residents would be paying for the renovations in the short run but in the long run it would help everyone.  Compared to other communities the athletic facilities here are much inferior to many other schools.  Even though we have a SLIGHTLY better academic reputation than those schools, having great facilities will make young family's want to move there.  If these changes could be made, everybody's property would be worth more because this would be a more attractive area to come to.  Overall, taking a small hit to your taxes in the short run are worth it because you would be able to boast some of the best facilities in the state, and also increase the value of your property in the long run.   

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