Thursday, December 16, 2010

Abortion Argument

Abortion is probably one of the biggest issues in America today and will continue to be because the two opposing sides are so passionate about their argument.  The Supreme Court has given power to the states to impose regulations on abortion as long as they're not undue burdens.  Theoretically, this means that the states cannot deny a woman's right to having an abortion.  Many abortion clinics are being forced to change the way they operate because their state government is imposing rules.  I think that something that would be considered an undue burden would be anything that makes the woman change her mind.  Getting an abortion is a huge deal in a woman's life so when they decide they are going to do it, they are positive that that's what will be best for them.  If they end up having to jump through hoops to get an appointment or have to go back multiple times before the operation, that would be an undue burden.  Something like getting an abortion is an incredibly hard time in their life so clinics should be making it easy for the patient.

Health care plans should cover the cost of the operation to have an abortion.  Having an abortion is simply just a procedure.  Almost all procedures people have are covered by health care, if they have it to begin with.  Some wil make the argument that since the woman could have prevented getting pregnant (assuming it concentual) that health care shouldn't cover it.  That is true that it could have been prevented but it's no different than breaking an arm skateboarding.  It's the own persons fault and could have been prevented.  And certainly the broken arm is covered.  If the patient wanting an abortion doesn't have health care, then they should get assistance paying for the operation.  The country has a responsibility to help its citizens and they doing something like that would help them so much.  The percentage of taxpayer dollars that will go to assisting people to pay for abortions is so minute and that's why the government should assist in the payment process. 

Abortions should be legal in all circumstances up to the third trimester of the pregnancy.  There is no reason why lawmakers and other people should be able to tell women what they can and can't do with their body's.  Also, if they have made the choice not to have the baby, then they are clearly not suited to have it.  If they were forced to have the baby, they wouldn't care for the child, partially because they wouldn't be able and also they wouldn't have the means.  When woman opt to have an abortion, chances are it was a mistake.  Making one mistake should not effect someone the rest of their lives, especially if it can be avoided.  This is why abortion should continue to be legal.

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