Monday, January 10, 2011

Freakonomics: Final Post

After reading this book I was really fantasized at what kind of an effect a book can have on a person.  Mainly this book taught me to not take everything for face value.  Almost everything has more to it than meets the eye and it just takes time and creativity to find it.  The innovative ideas that the authors present in the book are pretty crazy because hardly anyone would be smart enough or creative enough to figure out what they did.  So what does all of this mean?  It means that what people are consistently taught isn't always true.  Another important idea that this book teaches its readers is that everything that people do is in response to an incentive, no matter how big or small.  Economics is studying how the economy works and functions.  This book, although it may seem like it has nothing to do with the economy, is all about the social science behind the economy.  Learning how people act and react in certain situations determines how the economy will be effected.  So before trying to see why the market is doing something unusual or there is a trend happening, it's almost a guarantee that something different is going on in society or the way people are reacting to something.  

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